Your own content as course activities and always the right version on the 2LRN4 platform

It is possible to post and share blog articles and add PDF documents to our 2LRN4 security awareness platform. Many of our customers increasingly used this to share their security policies, so that they had 'proof' that the policy was actually read.

Irritating of course if you are going to change the policy and you have to upload a new document to the 2LRN4 platform. And that you then notice that you are not one version but several versions behind. That is why it is now possible to add documents from your Microsoft SharePoint and Google Drive. This prevents different versions from floating around everywhere.

2LRN4 is a very flexible security awareness platform, which is delivered ready to go. So you don't have to adjust anything, but you can. You can still create the content by adding documents from SharePoint or Drive to the courses.