2LRN4 - resources

As a leading platform in the field of security awareness, we are happy to collaborate with journalists and media channels. At 2LRN4, we understand the importance of transparency and open communication, and we strive to handle all media inquiries and requests with the utmost care.

For all your press and media inquiries: we are here for you

Whether you are looking for interviews with our dedicated employees, photography, radio and television recordings, press information, or want to connect with one of our specialists in information security and security awareness, Cyber Inc. is your first point of contact for the 2LRN4 platform. Call us at 0850602444 and feel free to ask your question. We are here to help you.

Want to know more about 2LRN4?

Do you want to delve deeper into what our product has to offer? Then take a look at our website for more information about 2LRN4, or contact us directly. We are ready to answer all your questions and provide you with the information you need.

Press and Media Kit: Your source of material

Our Press and Media Kit is specially designed to provide journalists with all the necessary materials for their publications about 2LRN4. Here you will find logos, photos, and videos that are free to use for publications about our platform. We encourage journalists to make use of these resources, with the caveat that the images may not be edited or used for other purposes without our permission. At 2LRN4, we are driven by our mission to help organizations arm themselves against the ever-changing threats in cybersecurity. We look forward to collaborating with journalists and media channels to achieve this important goal.