Recognize a phishing e-mail
We want to help users of our 2LRN4 security awareness platform to quickly recognize a phishing e-mail and to reduce the risk of phishing. That's why you can choose from different phishing emails of different difficulty levels on our platform. We've already benchmarked these for you with other sectors, so that the phishing gains even more value.

This is how it works:
- You can only send a phishing simulation to your own organization. (I'll mention it anyway)
- There is no limit to the number of users. They do need an active account on the 2LRN4 platform.
- You can run a phishing campaign as many times as you want.
- Select the desired phishing campaign based on difficulty, desired language and subject.
- Choose the departments or individual users you want to test.
- Follow the campaign via the dashboard. How many users opened the email, clicked on the link and left their details?
- Show users which landmarks they missed.
- See how your organization compares to other industries .
This service is available with the Flexible and Freedom package. Of course we will also continue to help you with phishing campaigns specially made for your organization.